B.A.D. Description: B.A.D. Contains four programs: Floppy Disk Optimizing Disk Copier Harddisk Optimizer Quick Blitzer for maintenance ChekSum'r For Quick fixing those Nasty little things My Previous project, Hyper-Back ( from which all these neat things come ! ) Will be resumed after tweeking of this interuption. So have no fear- THE TRULY FAST Harddisk archive utility will prevail. Ordering Info To Get YOUR copy of B.A.D., Send the information on the form below and $25.00 Check, Money Order, or Cash to: BlitzDisk P.O. Box 1112 Wheatridge, CO 80034-1112 Users of B.A.D. will be able to get Hyper-Back for $20.00 The Normal Price Of Hyper-Back will be $50.00 ----------<<< Order Form >>>---------- First Name: _______________ Last Name: ________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ ZIP: __________ A Few Questions Please: Computer ? A500 A1000 A2000 Do You Have a HardDisk ( Yes / No ) ? If YES What Type and Size ? _______________________________ I Normally Use ( WorkBench / CLI ) ? How Much Memory OnLine ? ________K Send Me NOW ! Qty ___ B.A.D. @ $25.00 ea. = $_____.00 TOTAL ( Available Feb. 21st ) Payment by: Check Money-Order Cash ___ Yes, Please Notify Me When Hyper-Back Is Available.